It makes me a little sad to see that this blog has gone to seed. But the great thing about seeds is...they contain entire worlds of new growth within! So let's see what we can get going out here.
I was just poking around on the internet and found this wonderful collection of essays about journalism and technology -- an essay competition that is a part of South by Southwest. I always thought SXSW was only a music festival, but now I see that it is a blossoming of all kinds of creative and intellectual work.
Take a look at one or two (or five) of these as part of your "Getting Smarter Every Day" program for 2017. What is one way to prepare for the AP Exam in May? By constantly reading good thinkers and good writers -- by seeking them out, and sharing them here. Read today, and come back tomorrow. There may be more interesting stuff tomorrow.
Your fan,
Alexandra Fletcher