Saturday, June 25, 2016

Online Bullying

This school year Mayfair High School was faced with an app created to bring surrounding schools together: Ogle.  However, students weren't using it to be integrated, they were using it to attack each other.  After reading an article called, "Dealing with Online Bullies Outside the Classroom,on Room Debate, I automatically made a connection between the article and the app.

There are some things that I do and do not agree with in the article.  I agree that students should get punishment if they attack the other students, but ONLY if it effects things that happen in school, such as a person's academics.  Just because somebody calls another student a nasty name online does not mean that they should be punished.  If it doesn't effect anything in school teachers and administrators should not get involved.  Punishing a student who calls others bad names won't stop the name calling in the school, if that students gets punished the school might as well punish everybody because all students call each other all sorts of names. However, if a peer is performing badly and missing several days in school, then it becomes a problem and consequences should be served. Otherwise, what happens outside of school stays outside of school.   


  1. I agree with what you are saying because enforcing bullying and other social problems outside of school means that the school rules are still intact as we live our lives. With this understanding, that would mean that our social relations with other students outside of school are still under school rules, and it is hard for a school administration to govern activities outside of school. Life has its ups and downs, and life is not perfect. There will be challenges, and it is up to the individual to figure things out.

    1. Sorry for the accidental deletions. I learned to not try to do this on my phone. Anyway, I agree with what has been said so far, and I would like to add that I think cyberbullying should be treated the same way as regular bullying. If a student is caught bullying on campus, online or otherwise, there should be consequences through the school. If a student is being bullied off campus in a way that does not affect their school performance or attendance at all, then they should get help through other means because the school should not be able to have control over students' lives outside of school.

    2. If a group of Mayfair students -- say, some football players, wearing Mayfair gear -- walk into a Chipotle on a Saturday, and one Mayfair guy punches another random guy in the face (maybe because of something that went down earlier), and that guy falls backwards and falls on an old lady and she breaks her wrist, are you saying that the school has nothing whatsoever to say about it?

    3. I agree that the school has no say in punishment, but in a way the school should tell its students to not behave in that way because they are wearing school wear so in a way, they are giving Mayfair a bad reputation. They can tell their students what ever they please, but it's the student's choice if they wish to change their actions.

  2. Hmm...well the school had nothing to do with the fight that happened, so I don't think they should have a say. The fight didn't happen on school property and not during school hours, so the school has no responsibility over the players and shouldn't get involved. Unless, the old lady presses charges and as a consequence she wants the player to get kicked off the team. Then, the school is involved and they can have a say.

  3. I also agree with what everyone has been saying about the school having no control over outside activities. It may seem odd not to punish the students but just because they are wearing Mayfair gear doesn't mean anything. They give Mayfair a bad reputation but they were the ones who chose to get into a fight. If they wish to represent Mayfair that way then so be it.

  4. I also agree with what everyone has been saying about the school having no control over outside activities. It may seem odd not to punish the students but just because they are wearing Mayfair gear doesn't mean anything. They give Mayfair a bad reputation but they were the ones who chose to get into a fight. If they wish to represent Mayfair that way then so be it.

  5. If a student is bullied outside of school by schoolmates then the school should get involved, because bullying is a serious matter and there are many teens who struggle with low self esteem that can't cope with bullying which can result to suicide. Also bullying on social media is very different from bullying in person, for on social media the whole world can see the awful things that are being said and even strangers that don't even know the person can begin to comment hurtful things.

  6. I feel that the school should not punish students over outside of school activities. However, I feel that if a group of kids wearing Mayfair gear go out and are being disrespectful the kids should be punished by the school. The school has a right to punish them because the kids are running the reputation of the school and making everyone else in school look bad.

    1. So you're suggesting that the school's reason to punish the students is their fear of a bad reputation and making the school "look bad"? That's not a good reason to punish them. The school shouldn't have a say in the punishment, especially if they are punishing the students for their own self interest of making the school look good. Just because they are wearing Mayfair attire it isn't a reason for them to get punished, what if they weren't wearing Mayfair clothes? They are still Mayfair students with or without their Mayfair apparel.

    2. The school's reputation is important because it is a deciding factor when applying to colleges. A school with a bad reputation could affect the chances of a student getting accepted into college. Reputation is an important part of today's society and it could affect how other people view our school. Plus the students being disrespectful need to face the consequences of their actions.

    3. I see what you're saying but I honestly don't think colleges look for things such as what school the applicant went to. What the person accomplished is what should be looked at. Many people who have left to go to Ivy League colleges have come from school with bad reputations.

      So yes, I see what you mean that those students must be punished, but the school should have no right to decide what to do. It should be the parents right to discipline their child or the police could take action in which ever situation.

  7. I would have to say that outside activities should indeed overseen by school authorities. I believe this due to the devastating spike in teen suicide caused by bullying both online and face to face. If the school gets involved in activities that could lower a persons self esteem, then it should be dealt with immediately. By doing this, there could be a decline in attempted ciber bullying which leads to students having more confidence in themselves, ultimately leading to better academic performance.


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