Recently, Ms. Fletcher has shown us all some videos on creativity. The current education system is negatively affecting students' sense of creativity. As it so happens, schools are specifically hurting the creativity of boys. In particular, elementary schools kill the creativity of boys because they punish the natural restlessness of boys. Psychologist Michael Thompson states that "Girls behavior is the gold standard in schools. Boys are treated like defective girls." The fact that boys receive 70% of suspensions in grades K-12 confirms Thompson's idea. Christina Summers, a former philosophy professor and scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, gives another supportive fact that "compared with girls, boys earn lower grades, win fewer honors, and they're far more less likely to go to college". By punishing boys for their own natural tendencies, they lose their imagination and creativity because it will only cause them further pain.
There are several helpful reforms that schools could enact. To begin, more recesses should be given in elementary schools because boys socially participate better outside of the classroom. Also, recess is a strong need for children and it has been on the defensive for several decades. Since the 1970's, 50% of recess time has been taken away. This is important time for children to embrace their needs and plenty of time must be given to it. Most importantly, there must be less punishments for boys for energetic behavior. Boys and girls are different and have different needs. The needs of both boys and girls must be addressed. By giving less punishments for boyish behavior, boys will be more creative and successful. By helping boys, everyone will benefit.
Currently, third-wave feminism is taking much focus away from boys. This is dangerous and frightening for everyone. Boys are critical to society. They make up half of the population and take up the majority of STEM jobs. Men also tend to make more commitments to the workplace than women do. As Camille Paglia, a woman professor at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, puts it, "If civilization had been left in female hands, we would still be living in grass huts." Although this statement is controversial, it has some truth to it that men have helped improve the quality of life for all people. To dismiss men's issues is to dismiss everyone's issues.
A very educational video that this whole post is based upon is
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