Friday, July 29, 2016

Do looks matter?

I recently read a passage in Postman's Amusing Ourselves to Death in which Postman exclaims that "[...] Americans no longer talk to each other, they entertain each other. They do not exchange ideas; they exchange images. They do not argue with propositions; they argue with good looks, celebrities and commercials." (92-93). He talks about how the age we are in is in Las Vegas now, where good looks and image is where it matters most. I didn't think much about this quote until it happened to me during a job interview. I recently applied to this company in which they told me that they will most likely hire me because "We only hire good looking people. We need good looking people to work here." After this experience, I realized that even though Postman likes to ramble off into things when he writes, most of the things he says are actually true. America has turned into an age of entertainment where looks mean everything because we humans would rather look at someone who is appealing. I don't think its right how people judge outside because of someone's looks before even checking and evaluating their skill sets needed for the job. Shouldn't we judge people by how hard they work, their work ethics, and just their personality to see if they would fit for the job? I guess not from how our age in America is going too because apparently looks do matter.


  1. You make a very good point about this passage, America has stopped judging based on abilities and has begun to judge based on appearances. I work as a lifeguard and my boss constantly stresses good posture and position on tower. Though, I don’t believe the way I sit affects my ability respond in emergencies, it appeases how the public views us. Sadly, mostly due to the world of entertainment people are quick to judge based on body image and appearance. I agree that it is unfortunate how some people have stopped caring more about character and hard work than they have good looks.

  2. It is awful how much people really do only focus on looks as said above. This mindset of judging people based on appearance has been engraved into all of our brains our entire life. While it may seem naive to believe that the world will ever change this harmful way of thinking, I do have some faith that with newer generations change can begin. Those of us here who realize this stuff is happening can grow with intentions of influencing younger minds to not be so quick to judge for something as trivial as appearance. I occasionally find myself being quick to judge but someone once told me, “The first thought that goes through your mind is what you have been conditioned to think. What you think next defines who you are.” People may be quick to judge but whether or not they see the error in what they’re doing is what truly matters.

  3. It's sad to say that the only thing that appeals to us now is what people look like. You don't look at articles that have a bunch of talented people, but rather you look at articles that have people who look physically good. It is the only way for people to think they are "superior" to one another. It isn't about talents and strengths anymore in this new age. It is all about what people look like. No matter what you watch or see, it usually has a person who looks perfect or up to standards placed by society. We practically don't know what "Don't judge a book by its cover" anymore. We judge a book by its cover now, and it is definitely a serious problem that we will be having soon.


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