Saturday, July 23, 2016

Self Driving Cars

After reading Neil Postman's book, Amusing Ourselves To Death, I was really amazed in how accurate Postman's predictions were regarding technology. One prediction Postman had made regarding the computer was that it would be "the technology of the future" (78). This really amazed me because it's true the computer has really ingrained itself in today's society. In today's society, we rely on the computer for information and entertainment. Postman also states that children who are not "computer literate" would "fail in school and be left behind in life" (78). Which is true. Without the computer, I wouldn't be able to blog about this book nor do my summer homework. Because technology is advancing quite rapidly, I couldn't help but wonder what new form of technology might become "the technology of the future".

I know that Google has made a self driving car and that Tesla came out with a car that features auto-pilot. I predict that self-driving cars will become "the technology of the future" in a few years or so, just like the computer. I feel with self-driving cars there will also be an evident decrease in the number of car accidents. Will self-driving cars be the "norm" in a few years? What new forms of technology do you think will emerge?

1 comment:

  1. I do believe that in the future, things such as self-driving cars will be a normal occasion. It may be a while before it becomes part of our day to day lives due to financial issues and the high cost of technology, but this is where we are headed. I like to think that advancements can be made like that of science fiction movies, but hopefully our lives won't be consumed by it like in Brave New World.


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