Wednesday, July 20, 2016

In Recent Events, ISIS

Earlier there was a post about the "Black Lives Matter" movement, so I thought to myself, "If we're discussing recent controversial topics, why not move onto ISIS and terrorism?" This month alone, there was an attack at an airport in Turkey, an attack on a German train by an ax wielding man, and a truck ramming into a crowd of people in France. All of these incidents resulted in the lost of life. All of these incidents were linked to ISIS.

Even though they claim to be Islamic, ISIS is a radical terrorist group that justifies their violence with their claimed religion. Now, whether you are religious or agnostic, this isn't a matter of race or religion. This is a matter of a terrorist group that has grown out of control and uses violence to achieve their goals. We are all humans, yet there is a group out there that is constantly killing and terrorizing us. We are one race, and we have to preserve and keep our race safe.

ISIS's aggression stems from being close minded and an inability to accept other races, religions, and ideas. It comes from an inability to accept other people's way of life. We are all one race, but does it really matter when we are unable to accept each other? We have to be able to accept other people's way of life without resorting to violence.


  1. ISIS is attacking people because they feel unsafe due to how many times other foreign nations have interfered and influenced their nation's plan. It shouldn't be surprising that they are attacking for this reason. Yet we are one species and race, beliefs, and other factors shouldn't affect our opinions on who should rule or who is bad and who is good. Of course, it's our instinct to gain advantages over one another and be number one and thus we think as if though we are mighty. Not all Islamic peoples are evil or terrorists. Some may be too extreme with matters involving them, but that doesn't mean we are allowed to claim that a certain race should be eliminated. We are practically becoming somewhat like Hitler by the fact that we for one, disgust Islamic people, even though some are good, and two, is the fact that we want to go to war and other issues to eliminate the threat. Why not find a way to promote peace and make an alliance with ISIS? It's all in the hands of politicians and leaders who make these decisions.

  2. ISIS is indeed a wide threat to many countries as well as many people. But ISIS is also becoming a major threat to us as Americans. This terrorist group is using the media as well as social networks to get Muslims to join in this terrorist organization. ISIS is also using the media and social networking to promote violence against infidels such as the Orlando shootings or the San Bernidino shootings. What can we do as a nation to stop these people who are secretly joining ISIS and being influenced on the media to perform such atrocious acts? ISIS has caused tensions in not only America but all over Europe. This terrorist organization is a big reason for the decline in travel to Europe out of fear for an attack. But anyone can see the decline in tolerance for Muslims in general, as Natalie was saying. Because of recent attacks, Americans are fearful of many Muslims regardless of what kind of Muslim. As Americans we must also learn tolerance blended with diligence for whatever seems suspicious to us. Say something if it doesn't look right.

  3. To touch on Natalie's point I think more people need to be aware that ISIS is an extreme group of Muslims not all Muslims. While scrolling through Twitter the other day I came across a story where a Muslim woman was egged and was called a terrorist. To fight ISIS I believe that we must first stop the hate and violence in our own country first because it fuels ISIS like Rudy stated earlier.

  4. Not to belittle the fact that ISIS is murdering innocent people but look it from their point of view. The Black Panther Party was considered as a terrorist organization by the US government and was a "threat". The Black Panther wanted to secure rights for the black community. They did not play along with society's white world. I do not completely agree with the Party's agenda for black supremacy rather than white supremacy. At least they stood for change and the better of their people. So do not believe that ISIS is all bad because of what the news reports. Do more research than main stream media and have your own well-educated opinion on the matter.

  5. The only way I see ISIS and other terrorist groups stopped is by violence to reduce the further spread of terrorism to other countries. Yet depending on the way that we attack can either help protect democracy in terrorist occupied land or make us look like the bad guys. For instance if we bomb a town that ISIS uses as a training ground but kills innocent civilians in the process, we will look like the bad guys who do not care about their lives creating hate towards us that can lead to people wanting to join ISIS to fight us.


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