Monday, July 25, 2016

Not So Brave After All

Before starting Brave New World, I was told by my brother that it’s a weird book.  After reading it it is pretty weird, but a really good weird.  Everything that has happened in this “brave new world” makes my jaw drop.  The people and everything in the society are designed artificially and they are taught by the illusion of always being happy.  They are shielded from all things negative, such as disease or loneliness (or at least most of them).  They even look down upon and disgrace having a family or being committed to one person. Everything that I see as happy, they see it as weird and unnecessary. Their not so brave world, would be a world I would not want to live in.

Their world is based on things created by science and technology, but so is ours.  But unlike their world, we don't let science and technology take over our lives.  We are not completely blinded and distracted from the reality we live in.  Instead of finding a permanent way out, we are taught to face the world and deal with problems ourselves.  We learn from our mistakes and we move forward. Our society wouldn’t be the same if we were hidden from things that are bad in the world, like this "brave" new world in the novel.  Sacrificing something that is joyful and brings true happiness in the world isn’t worth giving up for one thing that makes people unhappy.    

All and all, this book has made me appreciate the world and society we live in, good and bad.     


  1. I completely agree with your statement on how our world doesn't hide the bad things like the society in Brave New World does. Our society today exploits all the bad things in the world, especially social media when controversial things happen. Even when bad things are done in our world and people attempt to hide it from others, some people still find a way to leak the information to share with the rest of the world about all the bad but true things that are happening. One thing I have to disagree with your post is that science and technology has actually taken over our lives to a certain point. Not to the extent as a Brave New World where it is their only thing to make them live happily but to the point where our lives is mostly dependent on it. It is a good and bad thing because science and technology is what is helping us live longer and having an easier life but the bad part is that we depend on it so much. Other than that, I agree with everything about your post. I couldn't have said it better than you did, Brave New World has made me appreciate the world and society we live in too.

  2. Wait a minute, Natalie. Are you Nick's sister?

  3. I agree with what you are saying. This book was definitely unusual and not a book anyone would find me reading on my own time. However, it surprised me that I couldn't put the book down because it was so strange. Activities Huxley's society practiced and accepted would be looked down upon in today's society. I also find it ironic that the civilized world was called a "brave" new world. The civilized people never went through or faced sadness, loneliness, and disease. They avoided and were ignorant to the negative aspects of the world instead of facing the difficulties. Despite everything everyone deals with today, I too prefer the way life is now in comparison to life in Huxley's book. Luckily technology hasn't taken over our senses, and hopefully, it doesn't in the future.


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