Friday, July 15, 2016

AF: I'm back!

We went to King's Canyon National Park for a few days, and it was beautiful.  Evidence of drought everywhere, though.  If I thought about it too much, it made me nervous.

I had my phone off for three glorious days.  Andrew Postman -- in the introduction to the 25th anniversary edition of his dad's book -- recommends a 48-hour technology fast.  (Is it 48 hours?  I forget, and I don't have my book nearby.)  Anyway, do you think you could do it?

Now, this.

This is Hank, my spiritual advisor.  I thought you should meet him since I consult with him on all important matters.

Anyway, thank you for your patience with your questions and blog requests.  I have about 8-9 new blog invites to process, and I'm sitting down to do that right now.

1 comment:

  1. I think what you do by going offline every so often is a fabulous idea. What makes it even better is that you go out and enjoy the beauty that nature has gifted us with.

    I can relate with doing a technology fast because I recently went on a vacation with several members of my family and we enjoyed each others company. I believe this may be because of our very minimum use of technology when around each other.

    I love the picture of your dog and the background. It's Beautiful!!! It reminds me of North Carolina where I recently went for vacation.


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