Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Printed versus Electronic

When doing the summer homework, I realized that when I have to read something that's on a computer screen, a little spot in my mind goes Print it out. So I do, most of the time. I printed out the instructions for the summer homework so I could easily search through them and find what I was looking for, rather than strain my (already bad) eyes with the small type on a bright screen. I'm most definitely going to print out the articles when I get to that part of the homework, for sure.

So, I'd like to know what you prefer. Printed or electronic? Why do you prefer the one that you've chosen? Is it easier for you to read that one? Answer in any way you like, I'm just curious.


  1. I'm like you, I do prefer having the actual paper instead of constantly looking at a screen for instructions. For some reason I just like to have a physical form of writing and it not be on a screen.

  2. I like using my phone because it its easy to access information and I can take it with me wherever I go. Despite this, I have a habit of printing out certain documents. It depends on the situation as if I need to use the computer to type an essay, I would print out the information I would need so it will be readily accessible while I type. I could just switch between Windows from the document to the information, but that becomes tedious after while and a nightmare when many sources are involved. For the most part, I default to the electronic screen, but there are circumstances where physical form works better for me.

  3. I prefer printing things instead of looking at a computer screen. I have the same issue as you when it comes to straining my eyes! Plus, having a hard copy is useful for the purpose of annotating articles.

  4. I prefer to print things out. I am similar to you as I always get a thought in my mind to print documents or papers to get a hard copy to read off from. It is easier for me this way because I do not get distracted by other websites while I read, and for some reason, I just prefer things to be on paper. In fact, I cannot study off of study guides or power points online. When I read information or study off of hard copies, the information sticks better in my head, and I find myself understanding the content better. This also extends to when I get assignments to type essays out. Even though typing is much faster, I find that writing things down makes my thoughts form more clearly and quickly.

    1. I agree with you when you say that writing things down makes thoughts clearer. I've actually been doing it with all of the homework. For Postman's book, I wrote out all of the summaries before typing them and sending them in. It's just so much easier to go from book to paper instead of from book to screen.

  5. I prefer to either have things printed out or written down. Just like you, my eyes hurt from staring at a bright computer screen sometimes. I also like writing things down because it helps me remember it better; for example, I wrote down all of the English summer homework and now I know exactly what needs to be done and how it needs to be done, without needing to constantly look back at the instructions online.

  6. I also like to have things printed out. Like you, my eyes begin to hurt when I am staring at the screen for too long. Another reason that I like to print things such as summer homework assignments out is because when I am done with a part of it I can check it off. It helps me make sure that I have fully completed all of the homework.

  7. I prefer to read any form of instructions on paper as I get easily distracted by anything that makes noise like my phone’s notifications beeping constantly. This makes me want to check what the notification was and causes me to forget what I was previously reading, forcing me to start over from the beginning. I know I can just silence my phone’s volume, but I will eventually forget about it after reading the instructions and possibly making me lose an important call or text.

  8. I prefer to read something through an electronic source. I usually do not like to pages out unless it is absolutely necessary, because why waste paper when I am just going to read the same thing. Also for me reading off of the computer is simpler because, if I cannot see, I can zoom in, dim, or brighten my computer. But everyone has their own way, and I think that anyway is good as long as it helps you.

  9. Reading hard copies is usually slightly more effective for me, but I don't think it's worth the extra time, effort, paper, and ink to print things out several times because I will inevitably lose it. My room and my desk are perpetually an organizational nightmare, but my computer hard drive and cloud spaces are neatly organized and easily searchable, and I take my phone everywhere, which can make it more convenient in some circumstances. It's probably like this because, on a computer, I don't have to remove anything from where it's stored and subsequently put it back to keep things organized. So in general, I'll default to just a soft copy, but I'll print something out when necessary.

  10. Reading hard copies is usually slightly more effective for me, but I don't think it's worth the extra time, effort, paper, and ink to print things out several times because I will inevitably lose it. My room and my desk are perpetually an organizational nightmare, but my computer hard drive and cloud spaces are neatly organized and easily searchable, and I take my phone everywhere, which can make it more convenient in some circumstances. It's probably like this because, on a computer, I don't have to remove anything from where it's stored and subsequently put it back to keep things organized. So in general, I'll default to just a soft copy, but I'll print something out when necessary.


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