Friday, August 19, 2016

Driven like an olympian

While on Room for Debate I came across an article called How do Olympians Stay So Driven. I realized that Olympians struggle as much as we do when it comes to staying focused and doing what needs to be done. They find a way to get out of bed in the early morning to train because they love what they do. I found this article relatable because I know that being in high school we tend to procrastinate on things. As if I did not learn my lesson with the spring break project I struggle to find motivation to do anything. Some of the debaters pointed out the feeling they get after getting a medal because they knew the hard work was worth it. I think that once we all finish the homework we will enjoy the feeling of accomplishment and relaxation. What motivates you to get out of bed and actually do some homework?

1 comment:

  1. I agree, Olympians are human just like us. They strive to achieve a godlike status, but they were a baby, a toddler, and a kid in school just like us. Motivation is hard to keep, I find that when I talk to my friends and am constantly reminded of school, I tend to do better than on summer where I'm pretty much on my own.


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