Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Time Flies

It is that time of the year again guys, summer is coming to a close and school will soon commence.  It amazes me how fast this summer flew by us without notice and it has been a truly great one so I can't complain.  I hope all of you have also had a great summer and I wish you all the best this year.  I remember when the first day I entered the Mayfair campus like it was yesterday, I felt unfamiliar with the environment and scared for what was to come.  Since most of us have been at Mayfair since the seventh grade, it is beyond me that we are already starting our Junior year, wow!  Time really does fly but that is how life is, it keeps going forward.  My goal this year is to be my best and to do what I need to do in order to prepare myself for Senior year.  I am just truly astonished that high school graduation is rapidly approaching and I wish everyone the best of luck.  I have a great feeling that this is going to be a wonderful year and I can't wait to see you all at school.  We need to truly enjoy the days that we have because we are blessed with this great life and I wouldn't have it any other way.  Time flies, that is why we need to really enjoy being young because life will pass us by without even blinking our eyes.  We should never rush life and its complicated process, one step at a time is something I always say.  We need to learn to live in the now instead of looking forward to the next best thing.  I strongly believe that life should be lived to its fullest without rush or hurry because we all have a place to fill in the world and should definitely enjoy EVERY moment.  Some students may say that high school is/was a waste of time but these years are such important years of our lives because they are the years we learn to grow into the human beings that are going to go out into the world and make a difference.  My biggest goal this year is to enjoy everyday because I do not want it to pass me by once again.  What do you guys think? Do you guys ever think of how fast time flies?  Are you all planning to have the same goals I am pursuing this year? If not, what are your goals for this year?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I agree with you Noa, time does fly. That's why I choose to focus on all the good in my life. I try not to dwell on stuff that gets me stressed. I believe life is very short and that we should live life to the fullest. My goals this year is pretty much the same as yours to live in the moment. But also to not take anything for granted. I think sometimes I forget about how lucky I am to have a house and food to eat, while some kids don't. So I say my goal is to be humbler.

    1. That is awesome Morgen, life should be lived to its fullest.

  3. Yeah this is going to be one of my toughest years academically, but I'm still trying to keep in mind to have fun and be loose. Academics are important, but so is a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Teachers tend to overwork us which causes a decline in productivity due to lack of self-created creative outlets. I'm looking forward to Junior year with you guys!


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