While I was on social media there was a headline in the news section that had caught my attention, "Naked Donald Trump statue debuts in cities across America." As soon as I had read the headline I started reading more to see what it was about. In this news portion there were pictures of a naked Donald Trump statue that had been put up and they also showed pictures of people taking pictures of the statue. As I continued reading I saw some comments from people who had also read the news portion. Many people who commented were shocked and one particular comment caught my attention. One comment had said "Make fun of Trump for his policies and his choices, not for his body.." This particular comment had reminded me of what Neil Postman had said in Amusing Ourselves To Death about image.
As soon as I had read this comment I was reminded of Neil Postman. He talked about how image had become more important to us than the actual message that was being said. He even used William Howard Taft, former President of the United States, as an example. Postman said that William Taft would most likely not be elected today because he was famously fat and would not have had a good television image. Now during current time someone who is running for President is being made fun of because of his appearance. A lot of people may not be supporters of Trump, but it would make more sense to be against him because of his policies. This just goes to show how much more important image is to people than the ideas that are actually being presented.
It is wrong when people judge their appearance, but it is something we always do. People with a good-looking appearance always seem like the better choice and are usually more likable. It is hard to break out of these habits, especially when so many people with good ideas are turned away for the looks.