Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Preconceptions Can be Deceptions

In Brave New World the characters are conditioned to believe that “Everyone belongs to everyone else” (47). This is intriguing because this book portrays a sense of prejudice within its caste system, for the people are trained as adolescents during their Elementary Class Consciousness that certain castes are either better or worthless in comparison to them. For example, Betas see Alphas as the harder worker, but they see themselves as better in comparison to the Deltas and Gammas and superior over the Epsilons. (27)  You would think that if everyone truly belonged to everyone else then it wouldn't matter who the people in this civilization affiliated themselves with, and that they shouldn't be conditioned to believe that one is better than the other. Nonetheless, this situation reminds me a lot of how today’s society is in terms of how some people prejudge others before they get know them and how they choose to not work with certain groups of people due to their preconceptions. On a side note, how do you all feel about the Caste System illustrated in Aldous Huxley’s society? Do you think that our society shows any similarities to this utopia?

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