Monday, August 15, 2016

Bloodless Violence?

While completing the room for debate assignment, I can across a discussion about how the recent movie trend incorporates bloodless violence in PG-13 movies to ensure high attendance rate for its movies. Many argue this shows that the rating system for movies is meaningless. Others ask if sugarcoating violence is irresponsible and damaging to society. In my opinion, I believe that movies should be more true to how violence is in real life. This way, it shows the consequences when violence is used. I also believe parents should monitor their children’s exposure to violence from media because some kids at a young age who are exposed to violent movies act violently. What do you guys think?


  1. I agree with you Randall, violence should be shown in movies as it is in real life. Movies just show one man shooting another but none of the repercussions that follow. The violence is not tangible because the real power of violence is not shown. It does not show that mans family finding out the news about him getting shot. Does not show the heartbreak in the wife's eyes or the discontent that the children are growing to have. Or the finical struggle the family has to go through step up a funeral. That is only a glimpse at the true power of violence but will never be shown in movies, only the entertaining part make the final cut.

  2. Randy I completely agree with your statement on violence, and I have been thinking about that very thing myself. Some recent movies I have seen or hear of have changed their rating to PG-13 in order to ensure a high attendance rate and get their moneys worth but I think that is so wrong. Movies should definitely stay true to their rating because with that, people who go and watch that movie are going to be very disappointed by the time it is over. As a fellow movie lover, it annoys me when there are almost too much violence in movies which makes it seem much more unrealistic and cliché. Every Quintin Terrintino movie I have seen, I hated them and regretted watching it due to the terrible and ignorant violence that occurred during the film. Although, his movies stay true to its rating, rated R, I think that kids are exposed to too much violence today and parents should certainly monitor their kids and prevent violent intentions to come to their mind. When I was younger, I was a terror, but little did I know that I mimicked whatever violence I saw on television. When I was younger I would watch the PowerRangers but I would get in trouble with my parents because I would karate kick and smack everything. I was stripped of all things power rangers when I knocked over my moms vase and kicked my grandmas cane. Im glad I learned to control myself and now that I am older, I look back and laugh at myself. My point is that children today should be limited on television and violent video games because I would hate to see them mimic what they see on the tv like I used to.


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