Monday, August 15, 2016

Have Comment Sections on News Media Websites Failed?

          I read an article on Room for Debate called, "Have Comment Sections on News Media Websites Failed?." The debaters discuss the issues of people being able to comment on news media websites. Christopher Wolf, author of "Anonymity May Have Killed Online Commenting", explains that nowadays websites offer the choice of commenting users to be anonymous. People feel comfortable when it comes to hiding behind a computer screen. Others who use their personal name online tend to have more appropriate conversations when given the chance to comment. On the other hand, Jamilah  Lemieux, author of "Get Rid of Comment Sections", feels that too many people are using the online world to express negativity. She also feels that it is hard to ignore people with negative comments because those people find a way to bother her on her personal twitter account instead.

          In my opinion, comment sections are an important feature for online websites. Unlike other people with negative comments, there is actually people who have something decent to say. Commenting on someones post should be treated like a privilege. It is important to get be able to express and comment on how you feel, but people should also remember there is a difference between expressing your opinion respectively and just being plain rude. I agree that people have become more comfortable with being able to say anything they want online without exposing their identity. What are you your thoughts on this topic?


  1. Jada, I agree with you people should treat comments as a privilege. I believe that comments let an author and their audience communicate about something they both have in common. However, I also understand that most people use this for something bad. They feel as if nothing can happen to them since they can't possibly know who it is who's commenting. Although this may happen, I believe there is more good on commenting then bad. For example fans get to express something they like, which they would normally never get to say in person.

  2. I believe that the anonymous negative comments actually help the author.For instance,a musician will not know their music is bad until multiple people start commenting that their music sounds terrible.The number one reason why most of those comments are anonymous is because people do not have the courage to express their feelings.Since these days they are automatically called a "hater" if they comment advice that may come off as negative.


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