Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Just Google It.

     As I was reading Amusing Ourselves to Death, I encountered the quote, "In a purely oral culture, a high value is always placed on the power to memorize, for where there are no written words, the human mind must function as a mobile library" (25) and it reminded me of the novel Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury, which we had read in Mr. Eastham's class last year. It reminded me of the end of the novel where Montag met the group of people who memorized books because books were banned from their society.
     Postman continues to say how in a culture of print, memorizing things such as poems or menus, is not even considered intellectual or significant, which made me think about how relevant that is to today's internet based society. Usually, when you want to find out a quick fact about something, someone just tells you to Google it. The power of the internet has really impacted our need for knowledge and information. We now rely on the internet for every little fact and I feel like we don't really see the need in memorizing things anymore because we can just Google it. Yes, the internet makes finding information fast and simple, but is it preventing us from reaching our full potential? The human brain has the ability to store so much information yet I don't see us using it to its full potential because of the internet. What do you think about my point of view? Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not? 


  1. I agree with your many points about how technology and the internet have decreased our desire to know information. Rather than memorizing street names we rely on navigation to get us home. Instead of finding an outdoor activity to keep us entertained we trust that social media and other apps will save us from our boredom. Technology’s ability to entertain can be a negative when looked at as its ability to distract you. I cannot count the amount of times I have sat down to work on my summer assignment but gotten distracted by my phone, the television, the computer, etc. The internet itself is a wonderful source for information that will further our knowledge, but its easy accessibility leads us to take it for granted and not memorize information we can simply Google.

  2. I partially disagree. I think that technology and the internet have increased our ability to gain knowledge. It's technology that allows doctors to get a better understanding of their patients condition and figure out a cure. It's technology that helps teachers educate students and expand their knowledge more than what a simple textbook can do. We're using technology right now, and we're learning from each other in a different way. I don't think that everyone would voice their opinions, comments, and questions like how they do on this blog if we were in a classroom. But, technology allows us to do so, which helps us acquire more knowledge. I also think that being able to Google things in an instant is a good thing sometimes. You're most likely going to learn from what you've googled, which increases your knowledge of things.

  3. I agree with you because I am one who if I do not know something I just Google it. It also prevents us from reaching our full potential because even though you get the information, you do not retain it. It is just used to help in that moment and a lot of people do not retain that information afterwards.

  4. I agree that nowadays we have advanced technology where we can just Google things, but i don't believe it is stopping us from reaching our full potential. I personal believe Google is a wonderful tool that can help people reach past there full potential if they use it substantially. I use google a lot when i want to find out information quick and on the spot; therefore, I wouldn't say I obtain all of the information i look up but i would say that i obtain most of it. Yes, i feel that Google may be keeping some people from their full potential but not all people. Technology is a unique tool and if used correctly it can help people excel in many different ways.


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