Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Pokémon Go or Pokémon No??

There's no question about it: Pokémon Go has the world on its feet and walking out the door. This free-to-play, location based game allows for players to explore the outside world while they catch Pokémon and get a bit of exercise. Attracting people of all ages, this games encourages people to get outside and get moving, but to what price?

Well, I was at the park the other day and I was astonished at how many kids were playing this game. You would expect them to be playing tag or swinging on the swing sets, but they had their heads buried into their parent's phones trying to catch the nearest Pokémon. This got me thinking about Postman's, Amusing Ourselves to Death, because he talks about how we are constantly being bombarded by some form of show business, whether it be on education, commerce, religion, or politics. Pokémon Go has gotten people to go outside, but they still are trapped inside their phones. So what I'm trying to say here is that people should fully absorb and experience the outside world instead of their phone screens.

What do you guys think about this cultural phenomenon? Pokémon Go or Pokémon No?


  1. I agree with you Harman, it's such as shame that so many people are absorbed in their phones do to this game, and are missing out on the beauty of the outside world. I personally am not a fan mostly because it doesn't interest me, I don't like staring at my phone for hours, and I don't find the hunt for electronic eggs fun. I don't understand why people who play this game can't just have a treasure/egg hunt like what we used to do as kids. I guess for some that doesn't sound fun but I enjoy being active with my friends. I suppose it's just more entertaining on the phone, so I can conclude that I am Pokémon No.

  2. The way I see it thanks to Pokemon Go some people are actually leaving the house to go to the park and exercise, yes I understand it's not what most people expect when they want children to go out and play but it is an improvement. I'd rather have my kid go out and play Pokemon Go than sit on their computer all day playing FPS games. As a Pokemon Go player I have to say this game helps with socializing and making new friends outside especially for people who have social anxiety. Yes people are still on their phones but now they have a reason to go out on adventures, meet new people, and explore areas they've never been at before.

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  4. I believe Pokémon Go is a positive app rather than a negative one. Pokémon Go has brought many people outside and caused them to exercise. Also not only is it good for the person playing, but tourism as a business flourishes. Even though people have become more attached to their phones due to this app, it still accomplishes its main goal: going outside.

  5. I see Pokemon Go as a negative thing because although people are going outside more they are not enjoying being outside, instead they are only paying attention to their phones. I remember when I was younger me and my sister would play outside all day long and now it is sad to see that most kids would like to be on their parent's phone rather than go outside and play. Therefore, I say Pokemon No.


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