Wednesday, August 3, 2016

The Ideal of Beauty

So if you've read Brave New World, you know all their beauty standards. When Lenina first sees Linda she is disgusted of how she looks to say the least. Since Linda was rescued by the Savage reservation, she was in a whole different society and thus they had different looks on how women looked. Lenina basically described her as old and fat, but to the Savages, hey saw no problem with her.

While reading this section in the book, I couldn't help but relate it towards our society today. Many people are so consumed by the way they look and how others view them. Everywhere we look there are pictures of men and women showing us that this is the most attractive body type. In the western world, many people will pay to have their body's altered to look more "beautiful," whereas in many other countries, people are not so obsessed with their body appearance. I think it would be nice to live in a society where this is not an issue and people grow to love themselves, but what are your thoughts on this subject? 


  1. On social media, men and women aspire to have bodies like models or celebrities. When they see themselves in the mirror they end up shaming the body that they have, instead of embracing and appreciating their own definition of beauty. Beauty standards in today's society tell people to alter themselves to what society approves of. There is a saying that beauty is pain, but we as people do not need to feel pain in order to feel beautiful. I think people see through themselves and think that they have to meet someone's expectations to be beautiful. Like you said before, it would be nice to live in a society where people learn to love themselves for who they are and appreciate the beauty that is all around them.

  2. I find society embracing different body types better than it has before. Someone will still be judged for not having curves or for being "too fat" but it's how they take that judgement is what should matter. I believe someone should love themselves wether they're too big or too small or whatever might be the case. If someone chooses to have their body altered then they should do it for themselves and their happiness, not to please society. All in all, I agree with you completely when you say it would be nice to live in a society where this is not an issue.


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