Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Blog about the Blog

This is probably my favorite summer homework throughout my entire school career.  It allows us students to communicate and express our opinions on certain topics and discussions.  In the beginning, I think everybody was nervous or scared to post, but eventually blogging became fun.  I know it did for me.  This blog became something I checked constantly to see if anybody blogged or commented.  It became something I looked forward to everyday waking up, and I stopped looking at it like an assignment I needed to complete to get into an AP class.  It is interesting to see what everybody is thinking about the books, and the stories they write about that relate to the summer assignment.  

I always find myself laughing at the times we post our blogs too, from 12 in the afternoon to 4 in the morning.  It’s funny to see everybody taking advantage of the summer habit of sleeping late and sleeping in because before we know it school is around the corner and we will be waking up at 6 in the morning.  This blog has been a great way for us to become connected and also a way for some of us to break out of our shell of speaking to other people.  It is also a good way of keeping track of how behind or ahead we are with our summer homework by seeing where everybody else is by their posts. Overall, this blog is a great tool for learning.  


  1. I myself too, always look forward to seeing who has posted or what people's thoughts are. I do get overwhelmed when I see people's posts about how far they are in homework because it seems like I gotta catch up! But overall I like this idea of a blog; before school was out I saw it as something pointless, but I am very grateful for this fun and interactive idea.

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  3. I have found this blog to be a motivating factor. Just like everyone else I have also procrastinated this summer, but coming on this blog and seeing people talk about how far they are in their summer homework is motivating me. Also, I think it is a good way for people to come out of their shell because I have seen so many blogs written by people I don't really know so it is really interesting to see what they have to say.


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