Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Wait a minute Mr. Postman...

Postman says in Amusing Ourselves to Death that people are not ready for all this new technology but what if we were ready and choose not to use it. Think about it, if people can literally splice an atom, and not know how to use television correctly. That seems a little absurd to me personally but what if he was talking about people not having the discipline or wisdom or the maturity to use such things. The same immaturity like in WW1 how all the countries had new never before seen weapons of mass destruction  and at first they played with them like toys. Not understanding what they could do until it was too late and war had started.

No, that is not it but perhaps America does know how to use television to its full potential but just choose not to. Simply because they do not need to use it fully but instead just want to be entertained. Through history people have only ever invented some or used something in it full potential is out of necessity. People only invent things they need but in America there is no desperate need for anything. The American people quite well compared to everyone else to where they can argue about which bathrooms to use. Unlike in Iraq where there is a genocide that is going on and people have to argue how to stay alive. The American people are happy with mindless being entertained until they die so change will not happen anytime soon. But all the problems of the world will not be shown on television because America would rather be entertained than distraught by atrocities. What you rather see the world as it is or the glamours lie of entertainment?


  1. I think it's important to see the world in how it truly is. It sucks that the more developed countries do not broadcast a lot of these events unless it has to do with them.

  2. I agree with Alyssa, I would rather be in a world that tells me the whole truth of the atrocities that go on in other and all countries. I don't like the idea of living in a country where I'm being constantly entertained while people on the other half of the world are being slaughtered. I just feel that if more people knew about the situations that go on in other countries then perhaps more people will be willing to help. Don't get me wrong I have knowledge of some of the things that go on in developing countries that the news broadcasts; however, they pick and choose what country they talk about. While the people in other developing countries are continuously being slaughtered with know awareness to the people in developed countries. But like Alyssa said, it does suck that developed countries don't step in unless there's something in it for them.

    1. You are very right in saying that news broadcasts only certain events. For example most people don't know what is happening in Venezuela but do know of other countries. It's a shame to live in a world where things like this occurs.


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