Monday, August 1, 2016

Will Innovation Improve?

   Every day, Pokemon Go has over 18 million players in the world who are attached to their phone. This app was an idea based on the luxury and entertainment for people rather than the intention of helping people. I was reading Where Good Ideas Come From  by Steven Johnson when I read,
"The premise  that innovation prospers when ideas can serendipitously connect and recombine  with other ideas, when hunches can stumble across other hunch is that successfully fill in the blanks [...]"(Johnson 123). Where is the serendipitous joy of new innovations that help people rather than
becoming a fun game? I have to admit, I am a Pokemon Go player as well and do go Pokemon hunting on occasions, but I want to feel the joy of discovering new ideas and concepts as well that may have a impact.

   Johnson also talks about how in the 20th century, most of the innovations that rose were revolutionary ideas like the cell phone. Will we ever have an innovation again that can improve the lives of others? The reason for the sudden burst of innovations in the early years is because of the need for survival and a desire to improve this world. Yes I am happy for Pokemon Go, but what about a medicine that cures cancer. I would be way more excited for a invention like that rather than an invention that's just for entertainment. What do you think? Will we have another revolutionary idea before the end of the century? I think we will, but our world must focus on ideas that could change the world, not just to entertain it.


  1. To be fair, the people that were meant to create video games can't create the cure for cancer. Although it'd be great and would save many lives along the way, it isn't possible.
    I do on agree on what you're saying about world ideas though. Many people out there have the strength to do possibly anything but they waste it on the little things or they're too shy to put themselves out there. It would be great if everyone had the mindset of an inventor from the 1800's. To use inventions to improve the world and not for lazy tasks.

  2. I am uncertain as to where I stand on this argument but when you say you are waiting for the next "big invention" it almost seems like you are suggesting for the creators of pokemon go to come up with the cure for cancer or some other break through discovery. I would agree that pokemon go has consumed many of the population into a life of laziness but it can not be blamed on the creators of pokemon go, they are just doing their job trying to get by. It is the choice of the player on whether or not they want to be productive or lazy.

  3. To make it clear, that isn't what I mean when talk about the Pokemon Go creators. I never said I expected them to cure cancer. I'm talking about how our generation should be influenced by things better than Pokemon Go, like to have the thrive to be different. I do love playing Pokemon Go, but there should be less innovations that focus on entertainment and focus more so on change. It's just that our generation focuses, like Johnson says, on a idea to just explode in one's brain and be amazing. Instead, people now are impressed with inventions that make life more lazy and entertaining rather than life changing.

  4. We are extremely developed as of today, and unfortunately, it is becoming harder and harder for us to be able to make new innovations because we as people have a really short attention span. We crave entertainment and power more than anything else. I'm not surprised that we have yet to develop a new machine that could benefit lives of others. Scientists all over the world are in search for other planets that have life or are trying to find extraterrestrial life forces that have the ability to communicate with us. Otherwise, we have a long time before the century ends, so I'm pretty sure that we will find a way to cure cancer or further increase our life span. It just comes down to this: What will our world be like when we, the teens, rule the world?

  5. The Pokemon brand is instantly recognizable from people around the world. We were all excited that the brand we know and love transitioned into a device that is important to our daily lives. It's the ultimate recipe for entertainment and it got many excited when it was first announced. This is because we grew up being excited for the next big movie or game as they were fun and entertaining which made us crave them even more. We now live in a world were we celebrate the arrival of new ways to entertain ourselves yet only give ourselves a pat on the back when life changing advancements are made. We are drastically more exited for the announcement of the new Star Wars movie, or in this case the announcement of Pokemon Go, than we are for the announcement of Steven Hawkins's space program. Our priorities are generally skewed towards entertainment over other subjects. I suggest that we take the time to appreciate the recent advancements more and maybe look into what other current advancement are occurring.


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