Monday, August 15, 2016

The Good Old Days

After completing the Amusing Ourselves to Death summer work, I found that a reoccurring point stated by Postman was that after and during the twentieth century, American culture had gone downhill and became more loose and illiterate.  Beginning the twentieth century, it became characterized as the era of "show business."  Prior to the twentieth century, we the people were speaking publicly more, reading and writing more, and this benefited our education but it seems that now, we aren't as intelligent and literate as we used to be.  I completely understand and accept that times change and we develop, but we should really retain some of our good habits from way back when.  With the fast advancing technology, the market already coming out with a Samsung Galaxy note seven, we aren't as literate orally nor written as we used to be.  The times have changed and the things around us are rapidly changing, but change is good.  Even though our world and society is transforming faster than we think, it is good to retain the things we have learned and picked up in the past in order to stay true to some of societies old traditions.  Now in this day and age, it is all about the lights, camera, action of show business that we forget that knowledge and having the ability to learn and comprehend is much more important.  Kids in school today should not be worrying about who wore it best on the red carpet, or who scored the winning touchdown in the game, they should be paving their future by appreciating everything in life especially education because these traditions that we have in this day and age, will most likely be around for a while.  My point is that in the past, it was a simpler time and times were different but that does not necessarily mean that our world has gone out of control and gone down hill, it just means that we have changed since the last time.  Everybody enjoys looking back at the past and thinking how life was so different.  Looking at past yearbooks, listening to old music, viewing scrapbooks and photo albums, we may miss what we used to have and who we were with, but life keeps going.  Time flies so that is why I advocate that we live in the now and not dwell on the past but keep looking forward.  We may reminisce on how great the 90's were or something, but what will make today even better, is if we make something out of ourselves now and it will lead us to better and brighter things.  Do you agree with what Postman says about how our society differs now from what there was before?  Do you reminisce about the good old days?  We all have a purpose in the world and I believe that we can make the current days the future good old days.

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